event resources

Coachella Valley has a wealth of people & organizations that can help you create & promote your events.

Event Production

Social Strategies & Influencers

Caitlin Litzinger
Dean Lamanna
Palm Springs Style
Sarah Husvar
Cameron Mackey
Haley Salomans

Content Development

Event Management Tools & Tech

vFAIRS – Solutions for Virtual, Hybrid & In-Person Events

Brand Strategy & Positioning

Venues - Small Events

Davinci Meeting Room, Courtyard Hotel, Palm Springs
Peerspace – private rooms for events, Palm Desert
successfulmeetings.com list of hotels with meeting rooms
Palm Springs Association of Realtors – palmspringsregionalmis.com, has 2 rooms
events.com list of rooms in Palm Desert
Palm Desert Aquatic Center – max 45 people
Palm Valley School, Rancho Mirage
Kaiser Grille, Palm Springs and Palm Desert
The Living Desert
Palm Springs Art Museum
CSUSB, Palm Desert Campus
Artists Center at the Galen, Palm Desert
Palm Springs Woman’s Club
Palm Springs Cultural Center, ( The Camelot Theater)