CV Real Estate Investors Meet-Up
CV Real Estate Investors Meet-UP
“We Exist Because: Your business won’t grow in the darkness of a TV’s glow, for true success you must stay in the social sunshine of trusted fellow Investors.”
Have you been achieving your goals? Really? One powerful goal is to spend more time with like-minded professionals, that’s right you need social time. Relationships are the heart of a successful business. The members of this group are ready to visit with you.. although some are little more pleasant to spend time with than others.
The collective energy of a room full of Investors has the power to change lives… especially if Hotel Security shows up because the collective energy is too loud. The good times will flow when we get together with our Investor Brothers and Sisters, so…
Whether you are just starting out in real estate or a seasoned real estate investor, CVREIA is the place to network, share ideas, and teach each other the keys to being a successful real estate investor.