Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers’ Mar­ket Indoors

Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers’ Mar­ket Indoors PALM SPRINGS – INDOOR June to Sept Saturdays 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM Inside the Palm Springs Pavilion 401 S Pavilion Way The mis­sion of the Palm Springs Cul­tural Center’s Cer­ti­fied Farm­ers’ Mar­ket Pro­gram is to serve as a com­mu­nity gath­er­ing place where local farm­ers and ven­dors can offer fresh agri­cul­tural…

Indio Certified Farmers Market

Indio Certified Farmers Market Certified produce, fresh hot and cold chef-prepared foods, artisan crafts such as handmade wood and leather gifts, stationery, soap, jewelry, candles and other crafted items will be sold every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from October through May. The market will also include live music, and a family friendly…